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184 Main Collins Street | West victoria 8007

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Kurdi Jewelry

From humble beginnings with a small showroom in Zarqa to downtown Amman and finally to Um Uthaina where they opened their
first design workshop handcrafting quality pieces. This is the story of Kurdi Jewelry, a luxury boutique jeweler run by an aspiring family that has been making an impact in the local jewelry industry since 1964. Known for its creative, handmade designs, Kurdi Jewelry benefits from over 50 years of expertise at the hands of various specialists.

From artisans, designers, gemologists, and gem-cutters, to engravers, polishers, and many more, each applies their remarkable know-how and skills to achieve supreme perfection. Today, the company designs and produces custom-made, high-end jewelry that illustrates the brand spirit, passion for quality gems, and taste for distinction.

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